Julian Schofield, "Pakistan's Counter-Insurgency Doctrine," in Paul Rich, and Isabelle Duyvesteyn (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Insurgency and Counterinsurgency (London: Routledge, 2012), 324-334.
Julian Schofield, "Militarized Decision-Making and War in Pakistan - 1947-1971," in Scott Gates and Kaushik Roy (eds), Conventional Warfare in South Asia, 1947 to the Present, (Surrey: Ashgate, 2011), 393-410. Reprint.
Julian Schofield, "Pakistan and the Global Partnership," The G8 Global Partnership: New Avenues for an Expanding Program against the Threat of WMDs (Ottawa: Foreign Affairs Canada, 2010), 106-131.
Julian Schofield and Reeta Tremblay, "Why Pakistan Failed: Tribal Focoism in Kashmir," Journal of Small Wars and Insurgencies, Vol.19, No.1 2008, 23-38.
Julian Schofield and Reeta Tremblay, "Institutional Causes of Indo-Pakistani Rivalry," in T.V. Paul (ed), The India-Pakistan Conflict: An Enduring Rivalry (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005), 225-248.
Julian Schofield, "Arms Races and War in the Indo-Pakistan Rivalry, 1947-1971," Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Vol.26, No.3 (Spring 2003), 33-49.
Julian Schofield and Ahmad Faruqui, "Pakistan: The Political Economy of Militarism," Journal of Conflict, Security and Development, Vol. 2, No.2 (2003), 5-23.
Julian Schofield and Reeta Tremblay, "The Future Face of Security in South Asia," in David Mutimer (ed), Canadian International Security Policy: Reflections for a New Era (Toronto: Center for International and security Studies, 2002), 61-78.
Julian Schofield and Reet Tremblay, "Hybrid Governments and Pakistan: Nuclear Weapons and the Conflict over Kashmir," Aakrosh - Asian Journal on Terrorism and Internal Conflicts 4, No.11 (April 2001), 13-41.
Julian Schofield, "Militarized Decision-Making and War in Pakistan - 1947-1971," Armed Forces & Society, Vol.27, No.1 (Fall 2000), 131-148.
Julian Schofield and Michael Schatzky, "Military Regimes and Nuclear Deterrence in South Asia," in Hugh Johnston, Reeta Chowdhari Tremblay, and John Wood (eds.), South Asia - Between Turmoil and Hope (Montreal: Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute, 2000), 327-354.
Julian Schofield, "The Systemic Sources of India's and Pakistan's Proliferation Decision," in Reeta Chowdhari Tremblay, O.P. Dwivedi, Carole Farber, Stephen Inglis, and Jayant Lele (eds.), Interfacing Nations; Indo/Pakistani/Canadian Reflections on the 50th Anniversary (Delhi: BR Publishing Corporation, 1998), 333-360.
Julian Schofield and Reeta Tremblay, "Renewing UNMOGIP: The Problem of Kashmir and Nuclear Weapons," Peacekeeping and International Relations, Vol.27, No.6, November-December 1998, 14-16.
Julian Schofield, "India's New Nuclear Posture," Strategic Datalinks (Toronto: Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies, May 1998).
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