Julian Schofield, "The Taliban and the Pakistan-Afghan Frontier," in Aurélie Campana et Gérard Hervouet (dir.), Terrorisme et Insurrection. Evolution des Dynamiques Conflictuelles et Réponses des Etats (Québec, Presses de l'Universite du Quebec, 2012).
Julian Schofield, Jose Saramago, and Brent Gerchicoff, "Afghan Development Through Regional Trade," in Georg-Erhard, Afghanistan in the Balance: Counterinsurgency, Comprehensive Approach and Political Order, (Montreal: Queen`s-McGill University Press, 2012), 141-155.
Julian Schofield and Michael Zekulin, "Appraising the Threat of an Islamist Military Coup in post-OBL Pakistan," Defense & Security Analysis (December 2011), Vol.27, No.4, 181-192.
Julian Schofield, "Diversionary Wars: Pashtun Unrest and the Sources of the Pakistan‐Afghan Confrontation," Canadian Foreign Policy Journal (March 2011), Vol.17, No.1, 38-49.
Julian Schofield, "Mistakes and Lessons from the Afghan War," e-International Relations, March 15, 2011.
Julian Schofield and Emil Torosyan, "NATO's Lacunae in Afghanistan," Vanguard, Mar/Apr, 2010.
Julian Schofield, "Pakistan`s Strategic Trade with Afghanistan," Security and Peace/Sicherheit und Frieden, No.4 Jahrgang 2010, 251-256.
Julian Schofield, "The Prospect of a Populist Islamist Takeover of Pakistan," in Usama Butt and N. Elahi (eds), Escaping Quagmire: Strategy, Security and the Future of Pakistan (New York: Continuum, 2010).
Julian Schofield and Jose Saramago, "Pakistani Interests in NATO's Afghanistan," in Adaptation of NATO (Winnipeg, AB: Bison Paper 11, Winnipeg, 2008), 129-146.
Julian Schofield, "Islam and the Afghanistan Campaign," CEPES - Pointe de Mire, Vol.11, No.4 (Mar 2010).
Julian Schofield, "The Anatomy and Future of Pakistan's Afghan Interests," The Journal of Conflict Studies, Vol.28 (Winter 2008), Gregg Center, 83-93.
Julian Schofield, "Challenges for NATO in Afghan-Pakistan Relations," International Security Series: Pakistan: Local Politics and Regional Security, CIIA - Canadian Institute of International Affairs (May 2007), 5-8.
Julian Schofield and Jose Saramago, Pakistani Interests in NATO's Afghanistan, CEPES, Study for SDF Special Funds Project, May 1, 2007.
Julian Schofield and Michael Zekulin, Appraising the Threat of Islamist Take-Over in Pakistan, Notes de recherches du CEPES, no. 34, March 2007.