Military Service
Military Service
Capt Spencer-Churchill served as an Army Engineer Officer of 3 Field Engineer Regiment (later 34 CER) from 1989, including its operations officer between 1998 and 2003. He only ever lost one bayonet, one bottom half of a C3 Elcie AP landmine in a civilian high school football field, one spinal disc, and one Iltis jeep, the resulting paperwork for the bayonet taking the longest to resolve, as it is still classified as a weapon. Lost the one spinal disc building an MGB, and shattered an elbow on a .50 mount in a Lynx accident. With no Gulf Stream to keep us toasty, always operating at night and with ridiculously cold temperatures, no sleep and little pay, Quebec army militia are among the toughest and most resourceful in the world. Chimo !